Miriam Budayr

Software Developer

Chicago, IL

miriambudayr@gmail.com | resume

Technologies: Typescript, JavaScript, React, Redux, MongoDB, Mongoose, Node, Express, Git, Mercurial, Karma, Flow, Jest

On this website you will mainly see links to open source contributions I have made to Firefox's debugger. As a Firefox contributor, I implemented a new type of breakpoint in the debugger and met many cherished friends along the way. My original field of study is classical piano, music theory, and composition. My introduction to music-related programs and computer art initially drew me to software. Since I have the opportunity to evangelize, while you are here, consider listening to one of my favorite pieces (complete with commentary) by my favorite composer, J.S. Bach.

Select Firefox Debugger Contributions

Built Front End For Watchpoints

The front-end code for watchpoints provides an interface for the user to add/remove a watchpoint from the Scopes pane. It then needs to tell the server about the new or deleted watchpoint. The client code also updates watchpoint data in the Redux store in order to immediately update the user interface with the watchpoint icon before the debugger is resumed.

video | merged code
Built Watchpoints Server Implementation

The server code for watchpoints takes advantage JavaScript's native Object.defineProperty method in order to make a call to pause the debugger each time a property on an object is set or read.

video | merged code
Fixed Bug To Support Adding Watchpoints to Properties On Prototypes & Objects With >100 Properties

When a JavaScript array or object has over 100 elements, the front end presents them in groups. Watchpoints could not be added to any elements in these groupings before this fix. Watchpoints could also not be added to properties in prototype objects and native properties found on the window object.

merged code
Fixed Bug That Made Debugger Pause Twice When a Watchpoint & Breakpoint Shared a Line

When the debugger encounters both a breakpoint and a watchpoint on the same line, the expected behavior is for it to only pause one time for the breakpoint and then advance to the next line. This server patch checks the preceding pause reason and location before pausing the debugger for a watchpoint.

merged code

View all open source contributions.


Three Square

Built using React, Redux, Tone.js. Three Square is a set of sequencers that produces minimalistic and cyclic music. The first two sequencers use the piano timbre while the third provides pad accompaniment playing 16x slower than the top sequencers. The user can introduce rhythmic syncopation by changing the number of beats per cycle. Three Squares also has note presets and customization.

video | code | live demo
Not Trello

Built using React, Redux, Express, and Mongoose/MongoDB. This app is a Trello-inspired productivity manager where users can manage projects with shared boards. Each board has a list with cards, and cards can be moved from one list to another. Add other users to your board to collaborate. Card due dates and descriptions keep teams focused on important deadlines.

code | live demo